10 Easy Steps to Reduce Bloating

10 Easy Steps to Reduce Bloating

Top 8 Causes of Bloating

What causes stomach bloating after eating?

Bloating occurs when gas becomes trapped in the intestines. It’s surprisingly complex, as there are many factors that can lead to this trapped gas, however the top 8 causes of bloating include:

  1. Food Sensitivities or Intolerances can mean your body finds it difficult to digest certain foods, leading to bloating. Some of the common intolerances are wheat, gluten and lactose (dairy), but food additives such as MSG, caffeine and alcohol can cause problems too. You can check yours here! https://www.ultimateblend.co.uk/collections/nutrition-check
  2. An Imbalance of Good and Bad Bacteria in the gut. Even small alterations in bacteria within the gastrointestinal tract (known as dysbiosis) can have a significant impact on gut function.
  3. Chomping Food or Eating in a Hurry can cause air to be swallowed, leading to gas and bloating.
  4. Emotions: If you’re ‘stressed’ whilst eating, food sits in your stomach for longer. This is because your body’s attention is redirected to manage your nervous system. And it can become a vicious cycle. In a recent  study, women with moderate and severe intestinal bloating reported higher levels of anxiety and depression.
  5. Diet: Carbohydrates including lactose, fructose and fibre tend to be the main bloating culprits. The small intestine doesn’t always absorb them properly, which means they move into the colon to be fermented by gut bacteria. This fermentation causes gassiness and bloating.
  6. Changes in Bowel Habits: Constipation or simply having fewer bowel movements than normal can cause bloating. This is because the slow movement of food through the gut encourages more fermentation.
  7. IBS: After abdominal pain, bloating is the second most common symptom reported by IBS sufferers. Those who have IBS-constipation are usually more prone to bloating because they have fewer bowel movements. Women with IBS typically experience more bloating than men. This may be down to hormonal changes, particularly as bloating is a common symptom of PMS.
  8. Illness: Gut-related conditions that are linked to bloating and abdominal gas include coeliac disease, SIBO, gastroparesis and diverticulosis. Bloating is common in non-gut related conditions too, such as eating disorders.People can have a combination of these factors. Changing your diet is typically the first step in combating bloating, as in the long run, the key to preventing bloating is understanding its cause. Knowledge of what the reason may be, empowers you to make a change.

10 Easy Steps to Reduce Bloating

The good news is there are many dietary and lifestyle solutions that are effective and easy to implement. The ten easy steps to reduce bloating include: 

  1. Chewing your food properly gives the digestive process a head start and fires up important enzymes needed for breaking down and absorbing nutrients.
  1.  Avoid overeating only eat until you’re no more than 80% full and enjoy meals in a relaxed environment for optimal digestion.
  1.  Eliminate problematic foods under the direction of a Nutritionist and use of an Asyra machine you can be clear of your food sensitivities and what exactly you are best avoiding. FODMAP diet may be recommended.
  1.  Try herbs and spices that stimulate digestion. Try adding black pepper, cumin or ginger to recipes. Herbal teas—including fennel, chamomile and peppermint—can relieve bloating.
  1.  Avoid eating fruit straight after a meal as this leads to gas and bloating.
  1.  Limit sugar where possible because sugar feeds the bad bacteria in the gut. If in doubt, get into the habit of reading ingredients labels.
  1.  Add Apple Cider Vinegar and lemon to your diet as both these support stomach acid production and enhance digestion. ACV can be easily supplemented.
  1.  Add a small amount of fermented food to meals miso soup, sauerkraut or sour pickles all contain natural probiotics.
  1.  Exercise squeezing in a brisk 30-minute walk can help increase blood circulation and digestion, which then helps to release gas.
  1.  Drink Green Juice, digestive enzymes, probiotics and some herbal remedies such as our Super Greens can be beneficial for anyone who experiences bloating.

5 Best Foods to Eat to Prevent Bloating

Including the following foods into your daily diet can help reduce uncomfortable gas and bloating:

  1. Fermented Foods such as sauerkraut, pickles, and tempeh are brimming with probiotics to help boost digestive-tract-healing and bloat-reducing gut bacteria.
  1. Bananas are rich in potassium like avocados, kiwis, oranges, and pistachios, preventing water retention by regulating sodium levels in your body and can thus reduce salt-induced bloating. Bananas also have soluble fiber, which can relieve or prevent constipation. Bloating can also be caused by constipation. If you’re not able to eliminate waste in the GI tract, you become ‘backed up' which can lead to a bloated look.
  1. Papaya contains the enzyme papain that helps to break down proteins in your GI system, making digestion easier. The tropical fruit also has anti-inflammatory properties, as well as fibers that support a strong digestive tract.
  1. Asparagus is an anti-bloating superfood, causing you to urinate and help to flush out excess water, thus relieving any discomfort and bloat. It also contains prebiotics, which help support the growth of 'good' bacteria. This helps maintain a healthy balance in your digestive system to prevent and/or reduce gas. The vegetable also contains soluble and insoluble fibers, which helps promote overall digestive health.
  1. Ginger has been used for thousands of years to ease queasy tummies and aid digestion. It acts as a muscle relaxant, which may help the body to more easily expel gas. You can get your ginger fix in a variety of forms, though fresh ginger is richest in gingerol—the compound that contributes to many of the spice's health benefits.

The Top 10 Health Benefits of Water

Do you have excess water weight around your middle? Drink more water! It sounds counterintuitive, but drinking water actually helps your body rid itself of excess fluid. If you're not hydrating enough, your body holds on to the water it has.

The top ten health benefits you will get from drinking enough water include:

  1. Lose weight easily and healthily: water will help flush out the body’s toxins and the by-products of fat breakdown. It will also reduce your appetite, so you won’t always be as hungry!
  2. Look younger with healthier skin: water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturises skin and increases skin elasticity.
  1. Better productivity at work: having a constant supply of water, will help your brain to think better, be more alert and concentrate more easily.
  1. Better exercise: water helps to fuel your muscles and give you energy. It will also regulate your body temperature.
  1. Aids digestion and constipation: drinking water raises your metabolism because it helps in digestion and daily bowel activity.
  1.  Reduce cramps: keeping hydrated also lubricates your joints and muscles.
  1.  Feel healthy and less likely to get ill: drinking plenty of water helps fight against illness and disease by supporting your immune system.
  1. Feel energised and full of life: if your body has enough water, all systems in the body will be working efficiently.
  1.  Increasing your mood: your body will be working efficiently and so the feel-good hormones will be transmitting, hence you will feel good!
  1. Reduce the risk of cancer: water has been shown to dilute the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and also shortens the time they remain in the bladder.

You can now understand the importance of supplying your body with a consistent flow of water. Drinking water can feel monotonous, but by adding some fresh lemon juice or green powder, you'll not only make it more pleasurable, but you'll increase its diuretic effect. Alternatively, you could drink hot water with slices of ginger in it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Today say to yourself over and over “I am ready to make a healthy change” and know you’re worth it!

Yours in health and happiness,

Beth Cook 


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